For dogs

Superpremium quality
dry dog food

Sam’s Field superpremium dog food is formulated to meet the specific nutritional requirements of dogs with respect for breed size, life stage, and changing dietary needs. Rich in fresh meat and animal proteins, fruit and vegetable extracts, and other functional ingredients, the unique composition promotes proper digestion and efficient use of nutrients.

Grains, especially wheat, reduce the digestibility of dog food, meaning fewer nutrients are absorbed in the digestive tract. Sam’s Field grain-free and low-grain formulas are safe because they eliminate the risk of food intolerance and other adverse reactions to provide a lifetime of quality nutrition and good health.

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For cats

Superpremium quality
cat food

Sam's superpremium dog food has brought about a revolution. Top quality ingredients and the visible results of our formulas have made our dog food so popular with both dogs and their owners that the owners have begun demanding Sam's food for their cats too.

And here it is! Sam has prepared a meat-rich menu with the very best ingredients combined in balanced formulas. Whatever your cat’s nutritional needs, he or she will fall in love with Sam's food. Welcome to Sam's Field, now available for your feline companions!

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